A visit to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial will be possible again from February 1.

"More than 200,000 children were murdered at Auschwitz".

Due to the Corona pandemic, the commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the liberation of the Nazi death camp Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Red Army took place in the electronic media on January 27.
This year, the fate of children in the camp was a special focus.
According to the memorial, at least 232,000 minors were deported to Auschwitz from 1940 to 1945, including about 216.000 Jews, 11.000 Roma and 3.000 Poles. 700 of them were still alive when the camp was liberated.

January 27, 1945 - Liberation Day

Due to the Corona pandemic, the commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the liberation of the Concentration and extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau will not take place at the central memorial monument, but on the Internet.
The event can be followed on the sites and and will begin at 4 p.m. on January 27, 2021.
Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial
Main gate of Birkenau camp (Auschwitz II)

75th anniversary of the liberation
January 27, 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp.
75 years ago, on January 27, 1945, the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was liberated by the 322nd Infantry Division of the 60th Army of the I Ukrainian Front under the supreme command of Colonel General Pavel Alexeyevich Kurochkin.
The Red Army found 7.600 survivors and 650 corpses left in the evacuated complex. In the magazines the liberators found 843,000 men’s suits, 837.000 women’s coats and dresses, 44.000 pairs of shoes, 14-000 carpets and 7.7 tons of human hair.
The anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was declared by the United Nations as the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust in 2005. In Germany, the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism has been observed on January 27 since 1996.
Merkel in Auschwitz
Chancellor Merkel has visited the former Auschwitz-Birkenau extermination camp for the first time.
After a good 14 years in office, the Chancellor visited Germany’s largest concentration camp for the first time on December 6, 2019.
After former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt (1977) and most recently Helmut Kohl (1989 and 1995), Merkel is only the third German Chancellor to visit the former Auschwitz concentration camp. She is the first to not combine the visit with a visit to Warsaw, but to have only Auschwitz on her agenda.
First of all, she visited the main camp with Polish Prime Minister Mateus Morawiecki and the director of the memorial and president of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation Piotr Cywinski to see the blocks with the testimonies of the prisoners who were sent to their death.
Mountains full of human hair, glasses, suitcases and shoes of murdered people but also the model of a crematorium.
At the “Todeswand” between Block 10 and Block 11, where thousands of Poles were executed, the Chancellor laid a wreath in the colors of each country’s flag together with Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki.
At the Birkenau camp, Merkel visited the ruins of gas chambers and the remains of the large Crematorium II, a restored barracks, and the “Rampe” with a railroad car.
More than one million deported people from all over Europe got out of such wagons, the majority of them were already at the mercy of death after the subsequent “selection”.
March of remembrance
On the 76th anniversary of the liquidation of the Krakow Ghetto, on March 13 and 14, 1943, hundreds of people took part in a commemorative march.
About 1000 people fell victim to the violent liquidation of the ghetto.
The participants commemorated them in a march from Bohaterów Getta Square to the former Plaszow concentration camp.
The same route that meant the way to death for the majority of Krakow Jews.

74th anniversary of the liberation
74 years ago, on January 27, 1945, the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp was liberated by the 322nd Infantry Division of the 60th Army of the I Ukrainian Front under the supreme command of Colonel General Pavel Alexeyevich Kurochkin.
The Red Army found 7.600 survivors and 650 corpses left in the evacuated complex. In the magazines the liberators found 843.000 men’s suits, 837.000 women’s coats and dresses, 44.000 pairs of shoes, 14.000 carpets and 7.7 tons of human hair.
The anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was declared by the United Nations as the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust in 2005. In Germany, the Day of Remembrance for the Victims of National Socialism has been observed on January 27 since 1996.

March of remembrance
On January 17, 1945, the SS began the evacuation of the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp.
At that time, there were a total of 42,117 men and women in the main camp, in Birkenau and in Monowitz, and 24,895 additional prisoners in the satellite camps.
These were to be transferred to the west within a very short time.
The prisoners had to cover the 60km to the railroad junctions in Gliwice and Loslau on foot in so-called “Todesmärschen”.
At the end of each group there were SS men who formed the “Exekutionskommando”. At their own discretion, they shot stragglers whom they no longer considered fit to march.

On the 8km road from Auschwitz to Brzeszcze 18 prisoners died, these were “buried” in a mass grave along the road and later buried in the local cemetery of Brzeszcze.
Over 2 million visitors to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial in 2018
The ten countries with the most visitors:
Polen – 405.000
Großbritannien – 281.000
USA – 136.000
Italien – 116.000
Spanien – 95.000
Deutschland – 76.000
Israel – 65.000
Frankreich – 69.000
Tschechien – 45.000
Schweden – 42000

Compared to 2017, Portugal was the country with the largest increase in visitors, up 36 percent.